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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - moral


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 I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~is, from mor-, mos custom  Date: 14th century  1.  a. of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior ; ethical ~ judgments  b. expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior a ~ poem  c. conforming to a standard of right behavior  d. sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment a ~ obligation  e. capable of right and wrong action a ~ agent  2. probable though not proved ; virtual a ~ certainty  3. perceptual or psychological rather than tangible or practical in nature or effect a ~ victory ~ support  • ~ly adverb Synonyms:  ~, ethical, virtuous, righteous, noble mean conforming to a standard of what is right and good. ~ implies conformity to established sanctioned codes or accepted notions of right and wrong the basic ~ values of a community. ethical may suggest the involvement of more difficult or subtle questions of rightness, fairness, or equity committed to the highest ethical principles. virtuous implies ~ excellence in character not a religious person, but virtuous nevertheless. righteous stresses guiltlessness or blamelessness and often suggests the sanctimonious wished to be righteous before God and the world. noble implies ~ eminence and freedom from anything petty, mean, or dubious in conduct and character had the noblest of reasons for seeking office.  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. the ~ significance or practical lesson (as of a story)  b. a passage pointing out usually in conclusion the lesson to be drawn from a story  2. plural  a. ~ practices or teachings ; modes of conduct  b. ethics  3. ~e
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  adj. & n. --adj. 1 a concerned with goodness or badness of human character or behaviour, or with the distinction between right and wrong. b concerned with accepted rules and standards of human behaviour. 2 a conforming to accepted standards of general conduct. b capable of moral action (man is a moral agent). 3 (of rights or duties etc.) founded on moral law. 4 a concerned with morals or ethics (moral philosophy). b (of a literary work etc.) dealing with moral conduct. 5 concerned with or leading to a psychological effect associated with confidence in a right action (moral courage; moral support; moral victory). --n. 1 a a moral lesson (esp. at the end) of a fable, story, event, etc. b a moral maxim or principle. 2 (in pl.) moral behaviour, e.g. in sexual conduct. Phrases and idioms moral certainty probability so great as to allow no reasonable doubt. moral law the conditions to be satisfied by any right course of action. moral majority the majority of people, regarded as favouring firm moral standards (orig. Moral Majority, name of a right-wing US movement). moral philosophy the branch of philosophy concerned with ethics. moral pressure persuasion by appealing to a person's moral sense. Moral Re-Armament 1 = OXFORD GROUP. 2 the beliefs of this organization, esp. as applied to international relations. moral science systematic knowledge as applied to morals. moral sense the ability to distinguish right and wrong. Derivatives morally adv. Etymology: ME f. L moralis f. mos moris custom, pl. mores morals ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  нравственный, моральный - moral expectation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. прил. 1) моральный 2) духовный • - moral and psychological - moral behaviour - moral certainty - moral development - moral requirements 2. сущ. моральные качества ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  кларизия кистевидная (Clarisia racemosa) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. мораль, поучение, нравоучение a story with a moral —- рассказ с моралью, нравоучительный рассказ the moral of the fable —- мораль басни to draw the moral (of an experience) —- извлекать мораль (урок) (из происшедшего) to point a moral —- поучать 2. pl. нравы; нравственность; нравственный облик; правила, нормы нравственного поведения bourgeois morals —- нравы буржуазного общества, буржуазная мораль a man of good morals —- высоконравственный (порядочный) человек, человек высокой морали a man of loose morals —- распущенный человек a man without morals —- безнравственный (аморальный) человек 3. редк. моральное состояние, боевой дух (войск) 4. моральный, нравственный; этический moral standards —- моральные нормы moral question —- вопрос этики the moral sense —- умение дать правильную моральную оценку поступку и т. п. moral philosophy —- этика I have no moral right to do it —- я не имею морального права сделать это it is not a criminal or moral offence —- это не уголовное преступление и не преступление против морали 5. (высоко)нравственный; добродетельный a moral person —- высоконравственный (добродетельный) человек a moral life —- добродетельная жизнь he is characterised by complete moral honesty —- он кристально честный человек 6. этичный, вежливый moral act —- этичный поступок 7. духовный, моральный a...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) поучение, мораль; - draw the moral  2) pl. нравы; нравственность; моральное состояние  3) pl. этика the very moral of smb. coll. - точная копия, вылитый портрет кого-л.  2. adj.  1) моральный, нравственный; этический; духовный; - moral code - moral philosophy  2) нравоучительный  3) добродетельный, высоконравственный; - moral life  4) духовный; внутренний; - moral certainty Syn: decent, ethical, good, honourable, righteous, self-righteous, upright, virtuous Ant: dishonourable, unethical MORAL certainty внутренняя уверенность; отсутствие сомнения MORAL code нравственные нормы; MORAL life добродетельная жизнь MORAL philosophy этика ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (morals) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Morals are principles and beliefs concerning right and wrong behaviour. ...Western ideas and morals... They have no morals. N-PLURAL 2. Moral means relating to beliefs about what is right or wrong. She describes her own moral dilemma in making the film. ...matters of church doctrine and moral teaching. = ethical ADJ: ADJ n • morally When, if ever, is it morally justifiable to allow a patient to die?... ADV: ADV adj/adv, ADV after v, ADV with cl 3. Moral courage or duty is based on what you believe is right or acceptable, rather than on what the law says should be done. The Government had a moral, if not a legal duty to pay compensation. ADJ: ADJ n 4. A moral person behaves in a way that is believed by most people to be good and right. The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured, competent people. = ethical ADJ: usu ADJ n • morally Art is not there to improve you morally. ADV: ADV with v 5. If you give someone moral support, you encourage them in what they are doing by expressing approval. Moral as well as financial support was what the West should provide. ADJ: ADJ n 6. The moral of a story or event is what you learn from it about how you should or should not behave. I think the moral of the story is let the buyer beware... = message N-COUNT: usu the N in sing 7. moral victory: see victory ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »ABOUT RIGHT AND WRONG« only before noun connected with the principles of what is right and wrong behaviour, and with the difference between good and evil  (a man of high moral standards | You don't know the circumstances of the divorce, so don't make moral judgments about it. | moral dilemma/issue (=a subject that involves morals))  (the abortion issue, one of the great moral dilemmas | moral sense (=ability to understand the difference between right and wrong))  (Babies are born without a moral sense.) 2 »BASED ON WHAT IS RIGHT« only before noun based on your ideas about what is right, rather than on what is legal or practical  (moral responsibility/duty)  (You have a moral responsibility to help people in need. | moral courage (=the courage to do what you believe is right))  (Does he have the moral courage necessary to lead the country? | moral authority (=influence that you have because people accept that your beliefs are right))  (The UN feels that it has the moral authority to send troops to the area. | moral fibre BrE fiber AmE (=the emotional strength to do what you believe is right)) 3 moral support encouragement that you give by expressing approval or interest, rather than by giving practical help  (He went along to give moral support.) 4 moral victory a situation in which you show that your beliefs are right and fair, even if you do not win the argument  (We felt we had won a moral victory in the debate.) 5 »STORY« a moral story, play etc is one that teaches or shows good behaviour 6 »PERSON« always behaving in a way that is based on strong principles about what is right and wrong  (- compare amoral, immoral, - see also morally) ~2 n 1 morals principles or standards of good behaviour, especially in matters of sex  (The novel reflects the morals and customs of the time. | public morals (=the standards of behaviour, especially sexual behaviour, expected by society))  (The sex shop was deemed a danger to public morals. | loose morals old-fashioned or humorous (=low standards of sexual behaviour...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1340, from O.Fr. moral, from L. moralis "proper behavior of a person in society," coined by Cicero to translate Gk. ethikos, from L. mos (gen. moris) "one's disposition," in pl., "mores, customs, manners, morals." Moralistic formed 1865; morality is from O.Fr. moralitй, from L.L. moralitatem (nom. moralitas) "manner, character," from L. moralis. "Where there is no free agency, there can be no morality. Where there is no temptation, there can be little claim to virtue. Where the routine is rigorously proscribed by law, the law, and not the man, must have the credit of the conduct." [Prescott, "Conquest of Peru"] ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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